"DEADLINE NOW", un spectacle pluridisciplinaire produit avec la compagnie PERSONA pour le plus grand festival de théâtre portugais.
Ce spectacle écrit, mis en scène et chorégraphié par Flore Magnet et Phil Von saisit les courses de 18 personnages livrés aux tyrannies du "temps réel" et au règne de l'urgence.
L'OPA présentera le C.D du spectacle "DEADLINE NOW" sorti en Octobre sur le label Thisco, les images réalisées par le vidéaste Marcelo Valente mais aussi des actions et des textes sociologiques sur la thématique de l'instantanéité ; lus par des artistes invités par Von Magnet.
OPA - Paris > http://www.opa-paris.com/
quinta-feira, outubro 26, 2006
Phil Von "Deadline Now"
Publicada por
7:34 da tarde
1 comentários
terça-feira, outubro 24, 2006
Demeure du Chaos
Incantations Barbares produit par la Compagnie Materia Prima
Otomo D.Manuel, Phil-Von, Kannelle.
Publicada por
12:03 da tarde
quinta-feira, outubro 19, 2006
quarta-feira, outubro 11, 2006
terça-feira, outubro 03, 2006
Deadline Now - Von Magnet featuring Persona
A story of people caught through parallel paths, millions of corridors conveying blind existences. The place - a modern metropolis. The time scale - thirtysix hours or thirtysix days... thirtysix months, or... even when thirtysix hours equal to thirtysix years. There, they walk, run, work, phone, step, stamp, dream, stumble, sample, repeat, loop, bug...... Yet, we are witnessing the absurdity of their tasks, waiting for the appearance of signs of weaknesses, of tenderness, of love, even of simple humanity. Have you noticed lately how our perceptions of time have been accelerating ? The urgency of everything or the "everything urgent" syndrom. and to experience the anxiety of inactiveness, As if not doing anything would mean not existing anymore ! Have you felt the fear of not being properly connected ? ruled by the necessity of being available at any moment.... Today we are being linked to the whole world in a matter of seconds but somehow we have never been so lonely. Here timecode is the master, the implacable reality of a metronomic digital heartbeat which all the actors serve or chase throughout the performance... Untill they find - through exhaustion and despair - touch, flesh, breath, freedom or craziness... themselves. Stretching time down to a universal wave of silence.
Publicada por
11:41 da manhã
1 comentários